You are browsing: Faith & Religion

  • Eternal cleaning of the spotted soul

    Laurie Taylor spent his youth being told by Catholic teachers to "clean" his soul. But it was Freud who finally eased the guilt born of dirty teenage thoughts.

  • Faith in education

    England has more than 2,500 faith schools serving Catholic, Jewish and other communities. The number is climbing. Should they be opposed?

  • Gods of the green fields

    Marcelo Bielsa, a manager once hailed as "God", has been sacked from Leeds United. When it comes to faith in football, the history of leadership at the club has lessons for us all.

  • Book review: Cardinal Sin

    A new book examines the gendered and sexual regimes within Catholicism that have contributed to an epidemic of sexual abuse.

  • Feast for the soul

    Fasting has many justifications among the faithful. But does it carry other values, such as distracting adherents from violence?

  • Book review: God: An Anatomy

    God: An Anatomy is the fruit of Francesca Stavrakopoulou's quest to seek the face of God

  • Blasphemy in the classroom

    What does the dismissal of a teacher for using a Muhammad cartoon in class say about the state of Britain?

  • Why is an anti-homophobia bill being fought by the Vatican?

    A bill that would punish violence against LGBT people has kicked up a storm between the Italian state and the Catholic Church. We should be questioning why the Vatican holds such power.

  • Women married in faith ceremonies need better protection

    In modernising marriage law in the UK, we must not forget the women harmed by religious ceremonies.

  • Cubs of the Caliphate

    Little attention has been paid to the boys groomed by ISIS to become the next jihadis. But a detention centre in the democratic commune of Rojava offers a model for rehabilitation.

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