1. The age of bullshit

We’ve all done it. You say what you have to say to get things done, with little regard for the truth. Louis Brooke asks: does it matter?

2. Derrida vs. the rationalists

Derrida’s famously difficult thought is often dismissed as “post-modern” nonsense. Is there is more to it than might first appear, argues Peter Salmon.

3. A politics of humanism can help build a just, free and more equal world

Intolerance and bigotry are in the ascendant. In the cover feature from our Spring issue, part of a special package on democracy and its discontents, Owen Jones surveys the challenges ahead.

4. Is it too soon to laugh about apartheid?

In post-apartheid South Africa, comedy has become the expression of a new democratic energy, writes Caroline Crampton.

5. The legacy of Islamic philosophy

Although they worked within a religious framework, many philosophers in the Islamic world were pioneers of rational thought.

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