1. In search of whiteness

Identity politics is back with a vengeance in 2017 – but one particular kind of identity is often left unexplored. Lola Okolosie and Vron Ware ask why.

2. Becoming British

As a teenager, Ismail Einashe fought hard to feel like he belonged. Now, that right is being undermined – for him and millions of others.

3. How we invented nature

Today we take it for granted that something called “nature” exists. But, writes Jonathan Ree, the concept owes much to a Prussian adventurer.

4. Charles Taylor: How to win the argument

Julian Baggini talks to the philosopher Charles Taylor, who argues that community and tradition don’t have to be set against migration, change and difference.

5. Close encounters of the everyday kind

Suzanne Moore reviews a new book, which asks if microdosing LSD could make you happier and more productive. Why might we need such a helping hand?

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